Complete/Visu.scilab File Reference

Draw the visualisation 3D. More...


rets Visu (type Q, type LAMBDA, type Message, type DuringSimulationFlag)
 Draw the visualisation 3D of a position or a trajectory with contact forces if they exist.
rets VisuPlay (type flag, type gwin)

Detailed Description

Draw the visualisation 3D.

Pierre-Brice Wieber
Affiliation(s): INRIA, team BIPOP



Modifications: $Log$ Revision 1.6 2005/10/28 08:14:14 billet Moving from old to new graphic style and removing of windows scilab visualization bug

Revision 1.5 2005/05/04 13:13:15 billet Correction and changes for doxygen documentation

Revision 1.4 2005/05/03 11:45:17 billet Comments for doxygen documentation

Revision 1.3 2005/05/02 12:03:13 wieber Added the possibility to print a Message above the figure and prepared the new figure_style mode, still not active because buggy in Scilab 3.0.

Revision 1.2 2005/04/07 15:37:29 wieber Drawing contact forces on different solids through the use of the variable ContactSolids.

Revision 2005/02/08 13:08:22 rpissard version start HuMAnS

Function Documentation

rets Visu ( type  Q,
type  LAMBDA,
type  Message,
type  DuringSimulationFlag 

Draw the visualisation 3D of a position or a trajectory with contact forces if they exist.

Q (float matrix, size = NDOF x NSAMPLES) trajectory or position
LAMBDA (float matrix) contact forces
Message (string, optionnal) Message to print above the figure
DuringSimulationFlag (boolean, optionnal) Flag to know if we draw the figure during the simulation or not.

rets VisuPlay ( type  flag,
type  gwin 


Generated on Tue Mar 6 14:12:06 2007 for HuMAnS by doxygen 1.4.7