% File generated by bibML2BibTeX % Character encoding is utf-8 (save and edit) % Exmo bibliography bibliography (2017-06-06) @inproceedings{euzenat2008e, AUTHOR = "Euzenat, Jérôme", TITLE = "Algebras of ontology alignment relations", SERIES = "Lecture notes in computer science", VOLUME = "5318", EDITOR = "Sheth, Amit and Staab, Steffen and Dean, Mike and Paolucci, Massimo and Maynard, Diana and Finin, Timothy and Thirunarayan, Krishnaprasad", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 7$^{th}$ international semantic web conference (ISWC), Karlsruhe (DE)", PAGES = "387-402", YEAR = "2008", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/publications/euzenat2008e.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", x-id-hal = {hal-00793543}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"}