% File generated by bibML2BibTeX % Character encoding is utf-8 (save and edit) % Exmo bibliography bibliography (2017-06-06) @techreport{weise2015a, AUTHOR = "Weise, Mathias and Poveda Villalón, María and García Castro, Raúl and Euzenat, Jérôme and Priego, Luz Maria and Fies, Bruno and Cavallaro, Andrea and Peters-Anders, Jan and Zoi Tsagkari, Kleopatra", TITLE = "Ontologies and datasets for energy management system interoperability", INSTITUTION = "Ready4SmartCities", VOLUME = "2.3", PAGETOTAL = "149", YEAR = "2015", URL = "https://exmo.inria.fr/files/reports/r4sc-23.pdf", LANGUAGE = "en", TYPE = "Deliverable", x-id-hal = {hal-01247606}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"}