% File generated by bibML2BibTeX % Character encoding is utf-8 (save and edit) % Exmo bibliography bibliography (2017-06-06) @inproceedings{wudagechekol2012b, AUTHOR = "Chekol, Melisachew Wudage and Euzenat, Jérôme and Genevès, Pierre and Layaïda, Nabil", TITLE = "SPARQL query containment under SHI axioms", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 26$^{th}$ American national conference on artificial intelligence (AAAI), Toronto (ONT CA)", PUBLISHER = "AAAI Press", ADDRESS = "Menlo Park (CA US)", YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "10-16", URL = "http://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI12/paper/view/4924", LANGUAGE = "en", x-id-hal = {hal-00749080}, x-creator = "BibML2BibTeX"}