W3C Amaya Doc

Plug-ins Support in Amaya

Plug-ins allow Amaya to be extended by embedding external application. Two main motivations lead us to add a support for plug-ins into Amaya:

Amaya Plug-ins support is developed according to the Netscape Plug-in API

Usage of Plug-ins

There is no difficulty for installing plug-ins for Amaya. One just have to create a plug-in directory, in which the dynamic code of plug-ins have to be stpred, and to define the environment variable AMAYA_PLUGIN_DIR that gives the plug-in directory. For example:

> mkdir /users/guetari/plugindir
> setenv AMAYA_PLUGIN_DIR /users/guetari/plugindir

You can also set the environment variable AMAYA_PLUGIN_DIR in the resource file related to amaya (.thotrc):




If the environment variable AMAYA_PLUGIN_DIR does not exist, Amaya uses the default directory $(HOME)/.amaya/plugins to look for dynamic code of plug-ins when it starts up.

Some other files may need to be installed and/or other environment variables have to be set (according to plug-ins installation instructions).

At the present time, plug-ins are developed for commercial web browser and may have assisted automatic installation procedures. These latter are not yet valid for Amaya, only manual installation is right.

The plug-in button when pressed shows the list of all installed plug-ins. For each of them we can see the Mime type it handles.

There is a major difference between Amaya and other web browsers supporting plug-ins mechanism. Plug-ins are encapsulated in HTML pages using the OBJECT element and not the EMBED element which is not recognized in any W3C HTML DTD. OBJECT is a part of the HTML 4.0 norm.

At least three parameters are required for each plug-in:

<OBJECT DATA="http://www.location/plugindatadir/datafile.ext" HEIGHT=400, WIDTH=200>

In addition to these three parameters, plug-ins may need other attributes to communicate information between the HTML page and its code. These private attributes have to be introduced using the PARAM element of the OBJECT element.

Amaya Plug-in API

When Amaya starts up, it looks for all available plug-ins into the amaya plug-in directory. For each plug-in, it initializes a structure (PluginInfo) which indicates the path and the name of the dynamic code of the plug-in, its mime type, its identifier, and the functions supplied by Amaya. These functions allow the plug-in to communicate with Amaya:

struct PluginInfo {
   char* pluginDL;       /* Location of the plug-in dynamic code */
   char* pluginMimeType; /*Mime type of the plug-in */
   char* pluginID;       /* plug-in identifier */
   char* pluginURL;      /* Where data needed by plug-in is stored */
   char* fileExt;        /* Suffix of files supported by the plug-in */
   void* pluginHandle ;  /* Address of the dynamic code of the plug-in when loaded */
   NPPluginFuncs* pluginFunctionTable; /* Functions supplied by the plug-in */


For each plug-in a driver is added into the PictureHandlerTable. It indicates the coordinates, the height and the width of the box where the visible part of the plug-in will be displayed, the name of the data file needed by the plug-in, the pointer on the instance of the plug-in when created. An instance of a given plug-in is created when Amaya encounters in a HTML file data of a Mime type registered for the plug-in.


This function browses the amaya plug-in directory mentioned by the environment variable AMAYA_PLUGIN_DIR (or the directory $(HOME)/.amaya/plugins by default). For each plug-in, it initializes the structure PluginInfo and store it into the pluginTable. Then it calls the function InitPluginHandlers. TtaBrowsePluginDirectory requires no parameters:

TtaBrowsePluginDirectory ()


This function initializes a driver for the plug-in and stores it in the table of the image drivers (PictureHandlerTable). This driver shows the coordinates, the height and the width of the box where the visible part of the plug-in will be displayed, a pointer to an instance of the plug-in, the data file name needed by the plug-in, etc. This function requires two parameters:

InitPluginHandlers (boolean printing, int indexHandler)


This function loads the dynamic code of the plug-in, determines its Mime type and indicates to the plug-in the functions supplied by Amaya. These functions are needed by the plug-in to communicate with Amaya. This function requires two parameters:

Ap_InitializePlugin (char* path, int indexHandler)

Creating instances and displaying plug-ins

When Amaya encounters data of a Mime type registered for a given plug-in, it creates an instance of the plug-in, displays it and transmit the data to the plug-in.


This functions creates an instance of the given plug-in and a stream with the data file. Then it calls the plug-in function NPP_NEW. This function requires three parameters:

void Ap_CreatePluginInstance (PictInfo* imageDesc, Display* display, int type)

When the instance is created, it interacts with Amaya: Amaya may call plug-in functions and vice versa. The Amaya functions called by the plug-in are:


Allocates memory from Amaya side. It requires one parameters the size of block memory to be allocated.

void* Ap_MemAlloc (uint32 size)


At the present time, Ap_MemFlush calls Ap_MemAlloc and does nothing else. It requires one parameter:

void* Ap_MemFlush (uint32 size)


Deallocate the block of memory specified by ptr. Its parameter is the pointer to deallocate:

void Ap_MemFree (void* ptr).


Closes and deletes a stream. It requires three parameters:

NPError Ap_DestroyStream (NPP instance, NPStream* stream NPError reason)


Not yet implemented


Not yet implemented


Notifies a plug-in instance of the completion of a URL request. It requires four parameters:

void Ap_URLNotify (NPP instance, const char* url, NPReason reason, void* notifyData)


Requests that a new stream be created with the contents of the given URL. It requires three parameters:

NPError Ap_GetURL (NPP instance instance, const char* url, const char* target)


Does the same thing then Ap_GetURL but notifies to the plug-in the end of the stream by calling Ap_GetURLNotify. It requires a parameters more than Ap_GetURL which is notifyData. This latter is a plug-in private value used to uniquely identify the request.

NPError Ap_GetURLNotify (NPP instance instance, const char* url, const char* target, void* notifyData)


Requests the creation of a new stream of data produced by the plug-in and consumed by Amaya. This function is, at the present time partially implemented into Amaya. It requires four parameters:

Ap_NewStream (NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, const char* target, NPStream** stream_ptr)


Post data from a file to a given URL. This function is partially implemented at the present time and requires six parameters:

Ap_PostURL (NPP instance, const char* url, const char* target, uint32 len, const char* buf, NPBool file)


It behaves exactly like Ap_PostURL but notifies the plug-in at the end of the post operation (by calling Ap_URLNotify). In addition to the parameters of Ap_PostURL, it requires a parameter of type void* which is plug-in private value used to uniquely identify the request (notifyData).

Ap_PostURL (NPP instance, const char* url, const char* target, uint32 len, const char* buf, NPBool file, void* notifyData)


Request a range of bytes for a seekable stream. It requires two parameters a stream and list of types NPByteRange which is a linked list of objects, each of which indicates an offset and a length into the stream:

NPError Ap_RequestRead (NPStream* stream, NPByteRange list)


Only for Unix platform. It requires three parameters: instance (of the plug-in), variable (of type NPNVariable) and r_value (of type void*). instance and variable are input parameters and r_value is an output parameter. If variable is set to NPNVxDisplay, r_value is set to the value of the Display. If variable value is NPNVxtAppContext, r_value is set to the value of the application context.

void Ap_GetValue (NPP instance, NPNVariable var, void* r_value)

Ramzi Guetari
$Date: 1997/10/23 14:11:53 $