What's New?
- 14th April 2016 Our paper "MyTrackingChoices: Pacifying the Ad-Block War by Enforcing User Privacy Preferences" is accepted at WEIS, 2016. Paper available as PDF.
- 8th Feb 2016 Our paper "MyAdChoices: Bringing Transparency and Control to Online Advertising" is now available on Arxiv.
- 4th Feb 2016 MyTrackingChoices (Google Chrome extension) is now on Chorme Web Store. It aims to provide a solution to the current threat for ad-based economic model of free content/services on the Web. You can read more on the description of the extension. Install it now from Chrome Web Store.
- 1st Jan 2016 MyRealOnlineChoices porject is online. The project aims to bring transparency to web and provide fine-grained control back to the users.
Current projects involvements:
- CAPPRIS (Collaborative Action on the Protection of Privacy Rights in the Information Society) - An Inria Project Lab:
- The general goal of Cappris is to foster the collaboration between research groups involved in privacy in France and the interaction between the computer science, law and social sciences communities in this area.
- To reach its goal, CAPPRIS team will carry out research on privacy issues in different contexts and information systems e.g. Online Social Networks (OSN), Location Based Services (LBS) and Electronic Health Record Systems (EHR). I would be contributing to do the same in a new and emerging field of SmartDevices e.g. Smartphones, SmartWatches, SmartGlasses...
- Mobilitics:
- This project is being carried out in parternship of INRIA and CNIL.
- It aims to design a platform to investigate privacy concerns for smartphone users.
- See webpage dedicated to Mobilitics project for more information about the project.
Last Updated: 29 October, 2015