Directeur de Recherche Inria
Membre du l'équipe PRIVATICS et du laboratoire CITI

Domaines d'intérêt

  • Interactions entre technologies de l'information et droit
  • Protection des données personnelles et de la vie privée
  • Algorithmes: responsabilités, transparence, équité
  • Analyse des risques d'atteinte à la vie privée
  • Modélisation formelle, conception ("privacy by design")
  • Responsabilités ("accountability")



  • Protection de la vie privée dans l'internet des objets: projet européen UPRISE-IoT (en cours)
  • Certification de propriétés de sécurité et de vie privée pour l'internet des objects: projet ANR CISC (en cours)
  • Une démarche interdisciplinaire pour la protection de la vie privée: Inria Project Lab CAPPRIS
  • Protection de la vie privée et accountability en matière de surveillance: projet européen PARIS
  • Mise en oeuvre du privacy by design: projet européen PRIPARE
  • Internet du futur et accountability en matière de vie privée: projet européen FI-WARE
  • Privacy by design et biométrie: projet ANR BIOPRIV
  • Recoupement de données et risques pour la vie privée: projet national ("Investissements d’Avenir”) XDATA

Sélection de publications (voir aussi dblp et HAL)

  • Clément Henin, Daniel Le Métayer, Beyond explainability: justifiability and contestability of algorithmic decision systems, Springer AI and Society, July 2021.
  • Clément Henin, Daniel Le Métayer, A framework to contest and justify algorithmic decisions, Springer AI and Ethics, May 2021.
  • Clément Henin, Daniel Le Métayer, Beyond explainability: justifiability and contestability of Algorithmic Decision Systems, Preprint, March 2021.
  • Clément Henin, Daniel Le Métayer, A Multi-layered Approach for Tailored Black-Box Explanations, Proc. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges (ICPR 2021), Springer, LNCS 12663, February 2021.
  • Clément Henin, Daniel Le Métayer, A Framework to Contest and Justify Algorithmic Decisions, Preprint, February 2021.
  • Clément Henin, Daniel Le Métayer, A Generic Framework for Black-box Explanations, Proc. International Workshop on Fair and Interpretable Learning Algorithms (FILA 2020), in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2020), December 2020.
  • Claude Castelluccia, Daniel Le Métayer, Position Paper: Analyzing the Impacts of Facial Recognition, Proc. Annual Privacy Forum (APF 2020), Springer, LNCS 12121, October 2020.
  • Sonia Desmoulin-Canselier, Daniel Le Métayer, Décider avec les algorithmes - Quelle place pour l'Homme, quelle place pour le droit ?, Dalloz, February 2020.
  • Claude Castelluccia, Daniel Le Métayer, Impact analysis of facial recognition, Inria Note, February 2020.
  • Clément Henin, Daniel Le Métayer, Towards a generic framework for black-box explanation methods, in Proc. IJCAI 2019 Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), August 2019. Inria Research Report (extended version).
  • Mathieu Cunche, Daniel Le Métayer, Victor Morel, A generic information and consent framework for the IoT, in Proc. 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 19), August 2019.
  • Raul Pardo, Daniel Le Métayer, Analysis of privacy policies to enhance informed consent, in Proc. 33rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2019), July 2019. Inria Research Report (extended version).
  • Claude Castelluccia, Daniel Le Métayer, Understanding algorithmic decision-making: Opportunities and challenges, Study for the European Parliament (STOA), March 2019.
  • Sonia Desmoulin-Canselier, Daniel Le Métayer, Algorithmic decision systems in the health and justice sectors: certification and explanations for algorithms in European and French law, European Journal of Law and Technology, Vol. 9, No 3, December 2018.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Pablo Rauzy, Capacity: an abstract model of control over personal data, in Proc. 8th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2018), pp. 64-75, March 2018.
  • Claude Castelluccia, Mathieu Cunche, Daniel Le Métayer, Victor Morel, Enhancing transparency and consent in the IoT, in Proc. International Workshop on Privacy Engineering (IWPE 2018), Euro S&P Workshops, pp. 116-119, April 2018.
  • Sourya Joyee De, Daniel Le Métayer, Privacy risk analysis to enable informed privacy settings, in Proc. International Workshop on Privacy Engineering (IWPE 2018), Euro S&P Workshops, pp. 95-102,, April 2018.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Mathias Bossuet, Fanny Coudert, Claire Gayrel, Francisco Jaime, Antonio Maña, Christophe Jouvray, Antonio Kung, Zhendong Ma, Interdisciplinarity in practice: challenges and benefits for privacy research, in Computer Law & Security Review, Vol. 33, Issue 6, pp. 864-869, December 2017.
  • Sourya Joyee De, Daniel Le Métayer, A refinement approach for the reuse of privacy risk analysis results, in Proc. 5th Annual Privacy Forum (APF) 2017, Springer LNCS 10518, pp. 52-83, 2017.
  • Sourya Joyee De, Daniel Le Métayer, Privacy Risk Analysis, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, September 2016.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Whom to trust? Using technology to enforce privacy, Chapter 17 of “Enforcing Privacy”, David Wright and Paul De Hert, editors, Springer, 2016.
  • Julien Bringer, Hervé Chabanne, Daniel Le Métayer, Roch Lescuyer. Reasoning about privacy properties of architectures supporting Group Authentication and Application to Biometric Systems, in Proc. 30th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Information Security and Privacy (DBSec 2016), LNCS 9766, Springer, 2016.
  • Sourya Joyee De, Daniel Le Métayer. Privacy Harm Analysis: a Case Study on Smart Grids, in Proc. International Workshop on Privacy Engineering (IWPE 2016), IEEE, 2016.
  • Daniel Le Métayer. Analyser et prévenir les risques d'atteinte à la vie privée. In Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information de la Commission de réflexion et de propositions sur le droit et les libertés à l'âge du numérique, Christian Paul, Christiane Féral-Schuhl, pp. 254-259.
  • Christophe Lazaro, Daniel Le Métayer, Control over personal data: true remedy or fairy tale ? in SCRIPTed, 12:1, 2015.
  • Bettina Berendt, Thomas Engel, Demosthenes Ikonomou, Daniel Le Métayer, Stefan Schiffner (eds.), Privacy Technologies and Policy - Third Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2015, LNCS 9484, Springer.
  • Fanny Coudert, Denis Butin, Daniel Le Métayer. Body-worn cameras for police accountability: Opportunities and risks. In Computer Law & Security Review, Volume 31, Issue 6, December 2015, Pages 749-762.
  • Julien Bringer, Hervé Chabanne, Daniel Le Métayer, Roch Lescuyer. Reasoning about privacy properties of biometric system architectures in the presence of information leakage, in Proc. Information Security Conference, 2015 (Best paper Award), Springer, LNCS 9290, 2015.
  • Gergely Acs, Claude Castelluccia, Daniel Le Métayer. Anonymous versus personal data: from a binary view to a rigorous risk-based approach. Contribution to the European Parliament High-level conference co-organised by the LIBE Committee and the STOA Panel, Protecting online privacy by enhancing IT security and strengthening EU IT capabilities, December 2015.
  • Claude Castelluccia, Daniel Le Métayer. Les failles de la loi sur le renseignement, La Recherche No 505, novembre 2015.
  • Claude Castelluccia, Daniel Le Métayer. Renseignement : le traitement massif de données est aussi dangereux qu'inefficace, Pour la Science, N°453, juillet 2015.
  • Julien Bringer, Hervé Chabanne, Daniel Le Métayer, Roch Lescuyer. Privacy by design in practice: reasoning about privacy properties of biometric system architectures. In Proc. 20th int. Symposium on Formal Methods, FM 2015, Springer, 2015.
  • Thibaud Antignac, Daniel Le Métayer. Trust driven strategies for privacy by design. In Proc. Trust Management IX (IFIP-TM 2015), Hamburg, Springer, 2015.
  • Gregor Gössler, Daniel Le Métayer. A general framework for blaming in component-based systems. In Science of Computer Programming, Elsevier, 2015, 113, Part 3.
  • Denis Butin, Daniel Le Métayer, A guide to end-to-end privacy accountability, TELERISE, In Proc. International Workshop on Technical and Legal Aspects of Data Privacy and Security, IEEE, 2015.
  • Christophe Lazaro, Daniel Le Métayer. Le consentement au traitement des données personnelles. Perspective comparative sur l’autonomie du sujet. Revue Juridique Thémis de l’université de Montréal RJTUM, 2015.
  • Marouane Fazouane, Hennig Kopp, Rens van der Heijden, Daniel Le Métayer, Frank Kargl, Formal Verification of Privacy Properties in Electric Vehicle Charging, in Proc. International Symposium on_Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSOS), Springer, LNCS 8978, 2015.
  • Nicolas Notario, Alberto Crespo, Yod Samuel Martín, José Maria del Álamo, Daniel Le Métayer, Thibaud Antignac, Antonio Kung, Ingma Kroener, David Wright. PRIPARE: Integrating Privacy Best Practices into a Privacy Engineering Methodology. In Proc. International Workshop on Privacy Engineering Proceedings (IWPE 2015), pp.151 - 158, 2015.
  • George Danezis, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Marit Hansen, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Daniel Le Métayer, Rodica Tirtea, Stefan Schiffner. Privacy and data protection by design - From policy to engineering. ENISA Report, 2014.
  • Thibaud Antignac, Daniel Le Métayer. Privacy architectures: reasoning about data minimisation and integrity. In Proc. 10th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management, Springer LNCS 8743, pp. 17-32, 2014.
  • Thibaud Antignac, Daniel Le Métayer. Privacy by Design: From technologies to architectures - (position paper). In Proc. Annual Privacy Forum (APF 2014), Volume 8450 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-17, Springer, 2014.
  • Denis Butin, Daniel Le Métayer. Log analysis for data protection accountability. In Proc. 19th Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2014). Volume 8442 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 163-178, Springer, 2014.
  • Denis Butin, Marcos Chicote, Daniel Le Métayer. Strong accountability: beyond vague promises. In Reloading data protection. Serge Gutwirth, Ronald Leenes, Paul De Hert (eds.), pages 343-369, Springer, 2014.
  • Gregor Goessler, Daniel Le Métayer. A General trace-based framework of logical causality. In Proc. 10th international Symposium on Formal Aspects of Computer Science (FACS 2013), Volume 8348 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2014.
  • Daniel Le Métayer. Privacy by design: a formal framework for the analysis of architectural choices. In ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2013), pages 95-104. ACM, 2013.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Julien Le Clainche. From the protection of data to the protection of individuals: extending the application of non-discrimination principles. In European Data Protection; in Good Health ? Serge Gutwirth, Yves Poullet, Paul De Hert (eds.), pages 315-330. Springer, 2013.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Julien Le Clainche. Vie privée et non discrimination: des protections complémentaires, une convergence nécessaire. In Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel No. 90 , pages 80-95, Lamy, 2013.
  • Denis Butin, Marcos Chicote, Daniel Le Métayer. Log design for accountability. In International Workshop on Data Usage Management (DUMA 2013), IEEE, 2013.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Manuel Maarek, Eduardo Mazza, Marie-Laure Potet, Stéphane Frénot, Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Nicolas Craipeau, Ronan Hardouin. Liability issues in software engineering: the use of formal methods to reduce legal uncertainties. In Communications of the ACM, 54(4) pages 99-106. ACM, 2011.
  • Daniel Le Métayer. Formal Methods as a Link between Software Code and Legal Rules. In 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2011), pages 3-18. Springer, 2011.
  • Romuald Thion, Daniel Le Métayer. FLAVOR: A Formal Language for a Posteriori Verification of Legal Rules. In IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY 2011), pages 1-8. IEEE, 2011.
  • Meriam Ben-Ghorbel-Talbi, Frédéric Cuppens, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Daniel Le Métayer, Guillaume Piolle. Delegation of Obligations and Responsibility. In 26th IFIP TC 11 International Information Security Conference (SEC 2011), pages 197-209. Springer, 2011.
  • Sylvain Steer, Nicolas Craipeau,Daniel Le Métayer, Manuel Maarek, Marie-Laure Potet, Valérie Viet Triem Tong. Définition des responsabilités pour les dysfonctionnements de logiciels: cadre contractuel et outils de mise en oeuvre. In Conference Droit, sciences et techniques, quelles responsabilités ? pages 199-216. Litec, LexisNexis, 2011.
  • Daniel Le Métayer. Privacy by design: a matter of choice. In Data Protection in a Profiled World. Serge Gutwirth, Yves Poullet, Paul De Hert (eds.) , pages 323-334. Springer, 2010.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Manuel Maarek, Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Eduardo Mazza, Marie-Laure Potet, Nicolas Craipeau, Stéphane Frénot, Ronan Hardouin. Liability in software engineering: overview of the LISE approach and illustration on a case study. In 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), pages 135-144. ACM, 2010.
  • Gregor Goessler, Daniel Le Métayer, Jean-Baptiste Raclet. Causality Analysis in Contract Violation. In Runtime Verification , pages 270-284, 2010.
  • Eduardo Mazza, Marie-Laure Potet, Daniel Le Métayer. Designing Log Architectures for Legal Evidence. In 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2010), pages 156-165. IEEE, 2010.
  • Daniel Le Métayer (éditeur). Les technologies au service des droits, opportunités, défis, limites. Bruylant, Cahiers du CRID No 32, 2010.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Guillaume Piolle. Droits et obligations à l’ère numérique: protection de la vie privée. In Séminaire INRIA - L’usager Numérique , pages 66-88. ADBS Editions, 2010.
  • Daniel Le Métayer. A formal privacy management framework. In Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST), volume 5491 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 162-176. Springer, 2009.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Shara Monteleone. Automated consent through privacy agents: Legal requirements and technical architecture. Computer Law & Security Review, Elsevier, 25(2):136-144, 2009.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Antoinette Rouvroy. STIC et droit: défis, conflits et complémentarités. Interstices, November 20008.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Claire Loiseaux. ASTRA: a security analysis method based on asset tracking. . In Proc. of the IFIP TC 11 23d International Information Security Conference (IFIP SEC 2008), Springer Verlag.
  • Daniel Le Métayer. IT security analysis: best practices and formal approaches. In Proc. of Foundations of Security Analysis and Design IV (FOSAD), SpringerVerlag, LNCS, Vol. 4677, 2007.
  • Frédéric Besson, Thomas Jensen, Daniel Le Métayer, Tommy Thorn. Model checking security properties of control flow graphs. In Journal of Computer Security (JCS), Vol. 9, pp. 217-250, 2001.
  • Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Daniel Le Métayer. Gamma and the chemical reaction model: fifteen years after. In Multiset Processing, Springer Verlag, LNCS, Vol. 2235, 2001.
  • Pascal Fradet, Daniel Le Métayer, Michaël Périn. Consistency checking for multiple view software architectures. In Proc. of the Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symp. on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'99),  Software Engineering Notes 24 (6) and LNCS Vol 1687 pp. 410-428, 1999.
  • Valérie Gouranton, Daniel Le Métayer. Dynamic slicing: a generic analysis based on a natural semantics format, Journal of Logic and Computation (JLC), Vol 9, No. 6, 1999.
  • Daniel Le Métayer. Describing software architecture styles using graph grammars. In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), Vol. 25, No 7, 1998.
  • Pascal Fradet, Daniel Le Métayer. Structured Gamma, Science of Computer Programming (SCP), 31(2-3), pp. 263-289, 1998.
  • Geoffrey Burn, Daniel Le Métayer. Proving the correctness of compiler optimisations based on a global analysis. Journal of Functional Programming (JFP), 31(2-3), pp. 263-289, 1998.
  • Chris Hankin, Daniel Le Métayer, David Sands. Refining multiset transformers. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Vol. 192, No. 2, 1998.
  • Daniel Le Métayer, Valérie-Anne Nicolas, Olivier Ridoux. Exploring the software development trilogy. IEEE Software, Vol. 15, No. 6, 1998.
  • Pascal Fradet, Daniel Le Métayer. Shape Types In Proc. of Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'97), ACM Press, pp. 27-39, 1997.
  • Chris Hankin, Daniel Le Métayer. Deriving algorithms from type inference systems: application to strictness analysis, In Proc. of Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'94), ACM Press, pp. 202-212, 1994.
  • Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Daniel Le Métayer. Programming by multiset transformation. In Communications of the ACM, (CACM), 36(1), pp. 98-11, 1993.
  • Pascal Fradet and Daniel Le Métayer. Compilation of functional languages by program transformation. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 13(1), pp. 21-51, 1991.
  • Daniel Le Métayer. ACE: an Automatic complexity evaluator. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 10(2), pp. 248-266, 1988.