Module Bddapron.Expr1.Benum

module Benum: sig .. end

type 'a t = ('a Bddapron.Env.t, Cudd.Man.v Bdd.Enum.t) Bddapron.Env.value 
val of_expr0 : 'a Bddapron.Env.t -> 'a Bddapron.Expr0.Benum.t -> 'a t
Creation from an expression of level 0 (without environment)
val get_env : 'a t -> 'a Bddapron.Env.t
val to_expr0 : 'a t -> 'a Bddapron.Expr0.Benum.t
Extract resp. the environment and the underlying expression of level 0
val of_expr : 'a Bddapron.Expr1.expr -> 'a t
val to_expr : 'a t -> 'a Bddapron.Expr1.expr
Conversion from/to general expression
val extend_environment : 'a t -> 'a Bddapron.Env.t -> 'a t
Extend the underlying environment to a superenvironment, and adapt accordingly the underlying representation
val var : 'a Bddapron.Env.t -> 'a Bddapron.Cond.t -> 'a -> 'a t
val ite : 'a Bddapron.Cond.t ->
'a Bddapron.Expr1.Bool.t ->
'a t ->
'a t -> 'a t
val eq : 'a Bddapron.Cond.t ->
'a t ->
'a t -> 'a Bddapron.Expr1.Bool.t
val eq_label : 'a Bddapron.Cond.t ->
'a t -> 'a -> 'a Bddapron.Expr1.Bool.t
val cofactor : 'a t ->
'a Bddapron.Expr1.Bool.t -> 'a t
val restrict : 'a t ->
'a Bddapron.Expr1.Bool.t -> 'a t
val tdrestrict : 'a t ->
'a Bddapron.Expr1.Bool.t -> 'a t
val substitute_by_var : ?memo:Cudd.Memo.t ->
'a Bddapron.Cond.t ->
'a t -> ('a * 'a) list -> 'a t
val substitute : ?memo:Cudd.Memo.t ->
'a Bddapron.Cond.t ->
'a t ->
('a * 'a Bddapron.Expr1.expr) list -> 'a t
val guard_of_label : 'a Bddapron.Cond.t ->
'a t -> 'a -> 'a Bddapron.Expr1.Bool.t
Return the guard of the label.
val guardlabels : 'a Bddapron.Cond.t ->
'a t -> ('a Bddapron.Expr1.Bool.t * 'a) list
Return the list g -> label of guarded values.
val print : 'a Bddapron.Cond.t -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit