Class type Bddenum.db

class type [[[> typ ], [> typdef ]]] db = object .. end

val v_manager : Manager.t
val mutable v_typdef : ([> typdef ] as 'a) Var.Map.t
Named types definitions
val mutable v_vartyp : ([> typ ] as 'b) Var.Map.t
Associate to a label its type, assuming that a label is not shared among enumerated types
method manager : Manager.t
method typdef : 'a Var.Map.t
method vartyp : 'b Var.Map.t
method set_typdef : 'a Var.Map.t -> unit
method set_vartyp : 'b Var.Map.t -> unit
method mem_typ : Var.t -> bool
Is the type defined in the database ?
method mem_var : Var.t -> bool
Is the label/var defined in the database ?
method typdef_of_typ : Var.t -> 'a
Return the definition of the type
method typ_of_var : Var.t -> 'b
Return the type of the label (or later variable)
method add_typ : Var.t -> 'a -> unit
Declaration of a new type
method private add_label : Var.t -> 'b -> unit
Declaration of a new label/var