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Des objets vers la double structuration en analyse, conception et programmation : une comparaison guidée par les aspects 

This paper has been written in french. There is no english version of it.


Rapport de recherche 99035, LIRMM, mar. 1999. Submitted to INFORSID '99.


More and more research works attempt to propose a new approach for application design and programming, based on a double decomposition of problems (and a double program organization) rather than on the sole object-oriented decomposition. Aspect-Oriented Programming just found a special place among those works as far as, although it comes from a project aiming to provide a definite development tool, it seems to be more recognized as a new research trend than as a specific technical solution. We use in this paper the basic notions of Apsect-Oriented Programming as comparison criterions with other works including some viewpoint notion, between which we have noticed strong similarities.

BibTex reference: 

author = {Daniel Bardou},
title = {{Des objets vers la double structuration en analyse, conception et programmation : une comparaison guid\'ee par les aspects}}, 
institution = {LIRMM},
year = 1999,
number = 99035,
month = mar,
note = {soumis \`a INFORSID '99}

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Last updated 2000 05 24
Inria Rhone-AlpesAction ROMANSUniversité Pierre Mendès France