AROM Knowledge Representation in AROM AROM Documentation Download AROM Contacts Partners

AROM is an Object-based knowledge representation (OBKR) system which supports the following features : Knowledge Representation in AROM is characterized by :
  • AROM represents knowledge by object instances organized into hierarchies of classes and associations.
  • While most OO knowledge representation languages solely propose classes, AROM uses associations to represent sets of similar links between two or more objects.
  • AROM defines a language to describe such a knowledge representation model.

The AROM system is written in Java an offers a complete API which allows you to develop your own applications using knowledge representation.

AROM also defines a graphical language for knowledge representation similar to those used in Object Oriented modeling. This graphical language is used in the AROM IDE : a graphical user interface to AROM. This user interface allows domain experts to design knowledge bases without learning the AROM modelisation language. The Guided Tour section gives more details about the AROM IDE.

webAROM is a web application that allows the consultation and edition of AROM knowledge bases through the World Wide Web. By simply using an-the-shelf web browser you can access the whole content of any AROM knowledge base.