EVALUATOR4 manual page
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evaluator4 - on-the-fly model checking of MCL v4 formulas


bcg_open [bcg_opt] spec[.bcg] [cc_opt] evaluator4 [evaluator_opt] prop[.mcl]


exp.open spec[.exp] [cc_opt] evaluator4 [evaluator_opt] prop[.mcl]


fsp.open [fsp_opt] spec[.lts] [cc_opt] evaluator4 [evaluator_opt] prop[.mcl]


lnt.open [lnt_opt] spec[.lnt] [cc_opt] evaluator4 [evaluator_opt] prop[.mcl]


lotos.open [lotos_opt] spec[.lotos] [cc_opt] evaluator4 [evaluator_opt] prop[.mcl]


seq.open spec[.seq] [cc_opt] evaluator4 [evaluator_opt] prop[.mcl]


evaluator4 takes two inputs:

evaluator4 performs an on-the-fly verification of the temporal property on the given Labelled Transition System (LTS for short). The result of this verification (TRUE or FALSE) is displayed, possibly accompanied by a diagnostic (see OPTIONS below).

The verification method underlying evaluator4 is based upon a translation of the model checking problem into the resolution of a Parameterized Boolean Equation System (PBES) [Mat98a], which is carried out by combining two simultaneous on-the-fly activities:


The options bcg_opt, if any, are passed to bcg_lib .

The options exp_opt, if any, are passed to exp.open .

The options fsp_opt, if any, are passed to fsp.open .

The options lnt_opt, if any, are passed to lnt.open .

The options lotos_opt, if any, are passed to caesar and to caesar.adt .

The options seq_opt, if any, are passed to seq.open .

The options cc_opt, if any, are passed to the C compiler.

The following options evaluator_opt are currently available:

-bes [ file[.bes[.ext]] ]
Print in file[.bes] or, if the file name argument is missing, in file evaluator.bes, a textual description of the BES corresponding to the evaluation of the formula on the LTS. If present, the extension .ext must correspond to a known file compression format (e.g., .Z, .gz, .bz2, .xz, etc.). In this case, the file containing the BES is compressed according to the corresponding format. The list of currently supported extensions and compression formats is given by the $CADP/src/com/cadp_zip shell-script. This option does not influence the evaluation of the formula. Not a default option.

Assume that the property is specified as a system of modal equations in a file file[.blk] that must be given as argument to evaluator4 instead of prop[.mcl]. This option is mainly intended for debugging purposes. The format of the input file is undocumented and subject to future changes. Not a default option.

Evaluate the formula on the LTS using an algorithm optimized for acyclic graphs. If option -dfs is present (which is the case by default), the tool checks during verification whether the LTS contains cycles; if this is the case, an error message is displayed and the execution is aborted. If option -bfs is present, the tool may not always detect the presence of cycles in the LTS, and hence it may enter an infinite loop; in this case, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the LTS is acyclic. If the formula is unguarded (see Section REMARKS of the mcl manual page), which may yield a BES with cyclic dependencies between variables even if the LTS is acyclic, an error message is displayed and the execution is aborted. Not a default option.

Evaluate the formula on the LTS using a breadth-first search algorithm. Compared to -dfs, this option is generally slower, but produces diagnostics of smaller depth. If option -acyclic is present, the breadth-first search algorithm is optimized for reducing memory consumption: in particular, if the LTS is a sequence and the formula is dataless, the memory used for verification is bounded by the size of the formula (number of operators) and independent of the length of the sequence (number of transitions). Not a default option.

Evaluate the formula on the LTS using a depth-first search algorithm. Compared to -bfs, this option produces diagnostics of greater depth, but is generally faster and consumes less memory for certain classes of formulas (such as those shown in EXAMPLES OF TEMPORAL PROPERTIES below). Default option.

-diag [ diag[.bcg] ]
Generate a diagnostic in BCG format (see the bcg manual page for details) explaining the truth value of the formula. The diagnostic is generated in the file diag[.bcg] or, if the file name argument is missing, in the file evaluator.bcg. The BCG files containing diagnostics can be visualized using the bcg_draw and bcg_edit tools of CADP (see the respective manual pages for details). Diagnostics are (usually small) portions of the LTS on which the formula yields the same result as when it is evaluated on the whole LTS. If the diagnostic is a sequence of LTS transitions, it will also be displayed using the SEQ format (see the seq manual page for the definition of this format). Not a default option.

Display the list of library files included (directly or transitively) in the file prop[.mcl] and stop. This list may be incomplete if the MCL formula is syntactically incorrect. If present, this option has precedence over all the other options. Not a default option.

Expand the macro definitions and the source files included as libraries in the file prop[.mcl], producing as output a file prop.xm, and stop. This option is useful for debugging purposes. Not a default option.

-hide [ -total | -partial | -gate ] hiding_filename
Use the hiding rules defined in hiding_filename to hide (on-the-fly) the labels of spec. See the caesar_hide_1 manual page for a detailed description of the appropriate format for hiding_filename.

The -total, -partial, and -gate options specify the "total matching", "partial matching", and "gate matching" semantics, respectively. See the caesar_hide_1 manual page for more details about these semantics. Option -total is the default.

-rename [-total|-single|-multiple|-gate] renaming_filename
Use the renaming rules defined in renaming_filename to rename (on-the-fly) the labels of spec. See the caesar_rename_1 manual page for a detailed description of the appropriate format for renaming_filename.

The -total, -single, -multiple, and -gate options specify the "total matching", "single partial matching", "multiple partial matching", and "gate matching" semantics, respectively. See the caesar_rename_1 manual page for more details about these semantics. Option -total is the default.

As for the bcg_labels tool, several hiding and/or renaming options can be present on the command line, in which case they are processed from left to right.

The hiding and renaming options are useful for converting the transition labels of spec on-the-fly in order to make them compatible with the LTS model on which MCL formulas are interpreted (see Section OVERVIEW OF THE MCL LANGUAGE of the mcl manual page).

Display a list of UNIX regular expressions (see the regexp manual page for a detailed description of UNIX regular expressions), which over-approximate the set of visible LTS actions (transition labels) satisfying the action predicates occurring in the formula. In other words, if an action a satisfies some action predicate, then there exists a regular expression among those displayed by this option such that a matches it. Each regular expression is written on a separate line and is enclosed between double quotes, thus being compatible with the format of labels in hiding and renaming files (see the caesar_hide_1 or caesar_rename_1 manual pages for a description of these files).

The formula is not evaluated on spec. Not a default option.

Execute silently. Opposite of -verbose. Default option.

-source file:line
Change the file name and line number displayed in error messages as if the formula was contained in file file starting at line line (instead of starting at line 1 in file prop[.mcl]). This option has effect only on the messages triggered by the errors occurring in the top-level file prop[.mcl]. The messages triggered by the errors occurring in the included libraries (if any) are left unchanged.

Display statistical information about the resolution of the BES corresponding to the evaluation of the formula on the LTS. Not a default option.

Reduce the LTS on the fly modulo tau-confluence (a form of partial order reduction that preserves branching equivalence) while evaluating the formula. This option can be safely used only for verifying formulas adequate w.r.t. branching equivalence, i.e., whose evaluation yields the same result on all branching equivalent LTSs. For example, formulas belonging to the fragment ACTL-X (i.e., ACTL without the next time operators) are adequate w.r.t. branching equivalence [DV90]. In some cases, this option may improve speed and memory consumption significantly. Not a default option.

Animate the user's screen, telling what is going on. Opposite of -silent. Default option is -silent.

Display the current version number of the tool and stop. To be effective, this option should occur as the first argument in the evaluator_opt section of the command line. Subsequent options and/or arguments, if any, will be discarded. Not a default option.

Suppress all warning diagnostics, at the risk of leaving actual issues in the MCL formula undetected. Not a default option.

Exit Status

Exit status is 0 if everything is alright, 1 otherwise.


When the source file prop[.mcl] is erroneous, error messages are issued.


R. De Nicola and F. W. Vaandrager. "Action versus State based Logics for Transition Systems." Proceedings Ecole de Printemps on Semantics of Concurrency, LNCS v. 469, p. 407-419, 1990.

R. Mateescu. "Verification des proprietes temporelles des programmes paralleles." PhD Thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, April 1998. Available from http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Mateescu-98-a.html

R. Mateescu. "Local Model-Checking of an Alternation-Free Value-Based Modal Mu-Calculus." Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation VMCAI'98, 1998. Available from http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Mateescu-98-b.html

R. Mateescu. "CAESAR_SOLVE: A Generic Library for On-the-Fly Resolution of Alternation-Free Boolean Equation Systems." Springer International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), v. 8, no. 1, p. 37-56, 2006. Full version available as INRIA Research Report RR-5948. Available from http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Mateescu-06-a.html


See the AUTHORS section of the evaluator manual page.


BCG graph (input)

network of communicating LTSs (input)

FSP specification (input)

LNT specification (input)

LOTOS specification (input)

sequence file (input)

regular mu-calculus formula (input)

diagnostic in BCG format (output)

BES in textual format (output)


predefined libraries (input)

See Also

bcg , bcg_open , caesar.adt , caesar_graph , caesar_solve_1 , caesar , evaluator , evaluator3 , exhibitor , exp , exp.open , fsp.open , lnt.open , lotos , lotos.open , mcl , mcl3 , mcl4 , regexp , seq , seq.open

Additional information is available from the CADP Web page located at http://cadp.inria.fr

Directives for installation are given in files $CADP/INSTALLATION_*.

Recent changes and improvements to this software are reported and commented in file $CADP/HISTORY.


Please report bugs to Radu.Mateescu@inria.fr

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