Removing Useless States From Finite State Automata


Starting from certain states in a finite state automaton once can never reach a final state. Therefore, removing these states will not make any difference to the language accepted by the automaton. These states are called useless states.

The algorithm is quite straightforward. Rather than constructing the set of useless states, we will calculate its complement: the set of useful states. Clearly, all final states are useful. Similarly, any state which has a transition to a useful state is, itself useful. The algorithm basically repeats this step until no new useful states are discovered.

  1. Initialise the set of useful states U to the set of final states.
  2. Calculate the set of states M which can go to a state in U in one step. Thus M will include all states q such that for some input symbol a and state q' in U, (q,a) q' is a production rule.
  3. Update U to be the union of M and the old value of U.
  4. If new elements have been added to U in the last step, jump to step 2.
  5. Remove all states in the automaton not in the final value of U and transitions from or into them.
  6. If the initial state has been removed, add a new state with no related transitions and set it to be the initial state.

Note that the last step is necessary since any finite state automaton requires to have an initial state.


Consider the following finite state automaton:

  1. Initialise the set of useful states to the final states:

    U={ A }

  2. Calculate the set M of all states which can go to a state in {A} in one transition:

    M={ S, A }

  3. Update U by taking the union of its old value to that of M:

    U={ A } U { S, A } = { S, A }

  4. U has changed value and we therefore jump back step 2 of the algorithm. Calculate the set M of all states which can go to a state in {S, A} in one transition:

    M={ S, A }

  5. Update U by taking the union of its old value to that of M:

    U={ S, A } U { S, A } = { S, A }

  6. Since no new elements have been added to U, we can now calculate the set of useless states by taking the complement of U:

    { B, C }

  7. Remove all useless states (and related transitions) from the automaton:

  8. The automaton still has an initial state and is therefore valid.


Remove the useless states from the following automata: