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Isabelle Crampé

born April 18, 1972, single, french

Personal address :
6, passage d'Alembert
38000 Grenoble - FRANCE
Telephone : +33 476 700 570
(answering machine)

      Business address:

      Projet Sherpa - 655, avenue de l'Europe
      38 330 Montbonnot- FRANCE
      Telephone : +33 476 615 372

E-Mail : Isabelle.Crampe@inrialpes.fr

Ph.D. in Computer Science


Looking for a job in Applications design, Object-Oriented technologies, Web technologies
Want to relocate in Dallas, TX, USA.

Interested by working in a team and contacts with end users.


1994-1997 French doctoral thesis (~Ph.D) in Computer Science at Grenoble's university .

1993-1994 DEA (~Postgraduate Degree) in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science at Grenoble's university.

1991-1994 ENSIMAG engineer (National Engineering School of Applied Mathematics and Computing) (~Computer Science Degree).

1989-1991 Preparation for the competitive entrance examinations to French Engineering Schools (Strasbourg, fr). To know more about French Educational System in engineering.

1989 Baccalauréat C (Mathematics, Physics) (~Higher Leaving Certificate)

A guideline for corresponding levels between French Grandes Ecoles and US and British Ubiversity is here.

Professional experience

Nov. 1997 - ... Research and teaching assistant at INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Computer Science) Rhone-Alpes and at Pierre Mendes-France University (Grenoble).

Nov. 1994 - Oct. 1997 Ph.D. at INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Computer Science) Rhone-Alpes - in the Sherpa Project - Grenoble, fr.

Interactive inconsistency correction in object based knowledge representation :

Formal specification of an object-based language, inconsistencies and minimal appropriate corrections; algorithm specification and development in an object-based language; user interface in JAVA.

Nov. 1994 - Oct. 1997 Teaching at Pierre Mendès-France university (Grenoble, fr) - 80h per year

Practical work and tutorial : algorithmic; programming in Pascal, C and C++; word-processor, spreadsheet, database; initiation into network.

Computer knowledge

Fields Artificial Intelligence, Object-based development, algorithmic, user interface, knowledge bases.

Languages C++, LISP, JAVA, C, Pascal, Prolog, SQL.

OS/Platforms UNIX, Windows95, DOS, MacOS, SPARC/SUN, PC, Macintosh.


I. Crampé. A characterization of Revision in Object-based Knowledge Representation. Proceedings of International Symposium of Methodologies and Intelligent Systems. Charlotte (NC, USA). October 1997.

I. Crampé, J. Euzenat. Fondements de révision dans un langage d'objets simple. Proceedings of LMO (Object-based Languages and Models). Leysin (Switzerland). October 1996.

other publications and ftp access

Training courses

Mars - June 1994 LIFIA (Fundamental Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) - Grenoble, fr

Definition of specialized and decomposed task semantic

August - September 1993 LSD2 (Laboratory of Discrete Mathematics and Didactic) (- Grenoble, FR

Programming of 3D-conic intersection in CABRI-GÉOMÈTRE, a software for doing geometry, integrated in TI 92 pocket calculator.

July-August 1992 Péchiney-Rhénalu - Biesheim, fr Programming automatic building of databases from various sources (text and databases).


French mother tongue

English fluent (TOEFL holder)


Community activities BAFA (activity leader certificate) holder; Scouts de France responsible : activity leader in 3 camping tours; educational training of 15 adults responsible of 80 young people; organization of afternoon game for 1000 teenagers for the World Youth Days.

Sports Hill-walking, Cross-country skiing, Swimming.